Symptoms of having a Parisite or Worm |
The intestinal roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides infects humans when contaminated food is consumed. Ascaris eggs are lodged on certain foods that have been grown in warm moist soil that supports the eggs. The Ascaris eggs can be deposited in the soil with fertilizers that use fecal matter. Once in the small intestine the larvae are liberated and migrate through the intestinal wall, reaching the lungs, where they will stay for approximately 10 days for incubation. Symptoms may include; lung inflammation and fluid retention. About the 10 day incubation period, the larvae pass from the respiratory passages into the digestive tract and mature into egg-producing worms, which grow to some 6 to 16 inches in length, in the small intestine. Serious, even fatal, complications of ascariasis result from the infiltration of the larvae into sensitive tissues, such as the brain, and from the migration of the adult worms into various body structures where they produce abscesses and toxic manifestations. Ascariasis exists worldwide and is believed to affect some 660 million persons.
New research shows that parasites not only control the behavior of their hosts, they can change entire ecosystems to suit their needs. As an example, "hookworms, another common species, sink their teeth into the intestinal walls of more than a billion people every day to drink their fill of blood." According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people suffer from some type of parasitic infection. Not all of these people live in third world countries; many in the developed world have any number of parasitic infections, some of which are so highly contagious that extremely casual contact with something that has been handled by an infected person can infect another person. Colon therapists report nearly 100% infection rate as they witness firsthand these human parasites in the colon and the bowel during colon therapy. Parasites live mostly in a toxic bowel. However, parasites can be found in almost any part of the body. There are an incredible 500,000 species of worms in this world living is soils and hosts. Parasites are delivered to their hosts through systemic infestation in plants, consumption of infected meats, drinking unsanitary water and even bug bite like mosquitoes. Symptoms may vary depending on the type and amount of infestation from a minor itch to a manifestation of scaly red irritated skin and from a low tolerance to disease to low energy from apparent mal nutrition. The worms may go undetected for years with no apparent symptoms, or they may be seen in the stool almost immediately. No matter what the case is parasites and worms can adversely affect your life and an infection needs to be taken care of.
The pin worm, seat worm or threadworm gets its name from its size and shape Thread worms are tiny worms. They are about 1 cm in length, and look like white cotton threads. Thread worms enter the body by swallowing the eggs. At this point a cycle starts that is very difficult to stop. Once the eggs enter the digestive tract they incubate and become mature adult worms. Their place of residence is in the bowel. The female worms pop out of the anus at night, and lay their eggs on the skin around the anus. This causes an itchy irritation and naturally would be scratched during sleep. The freshly laid eggs are then picked up on fingers, and can be transferred back to the mouth and swallowed again. Once safely inside the body, they develop into adults, and start laying more eggs. Eggs on the fingers can be spread to other members of the family, or to close friends. They can also drop off, and become part of general household dust.
Bothriocephalus latus or Diphyllobothrium latum; tapeworms are a group of segmented flatworms who find their homes in the intestinal tracts of a wide variety of hosts ranging from humans to bottom feeding fish, shrimp, lobsters and crabs. Humans usually come across the parasite by eating the meat from an infected animal, like beef, pork, or fish. The parasite itself ranges from a few centimeters to as many as sixty feet long, depending upon the variety, and survives on any food or nutrition ingested by the host. A tapeworm makes its home on the internal wall of the digestive tract, its hooked head buried into the intestinal tissue. Tapeworms pre-fertilize their eggs and release them into the feces of the host. Then the eggs will lay dormant until they are consumed by another animal. The eggs can be in the grasses of the fields that are grazed by cattle or the can be in the organic material that bottom feeding fish consume. The life cycle of the tapeworm almost always requires at least two hosts, with the adult taking residence in a host like a human, pig or a cow. The eggs released by the adult worm in the tract of a final host, find their way to soil or water and lie dormant until ingested by their intermediate host. It is in this host that they hatch into their worm-like larval form, called an oncosphere. From here the oconospheres break the intestinal barrier and enter the circulation, where they find their way to a mass of skeletal muscle tissue, where they form cysts. The cycle then continues when a human or another animal host ingests the cyst that the larvae produced in the muscle tissue of an infected animal. Thorough cooking kills tapeworms and their cysts, however, and most meat in developed countries is irradiated or otherwise treated to help prevent transmission of the disease. Raw fish, such as that used in sushi or sashimi, very rare beef or pork are all high-risk foods, as the cyst will escape the preparation process unharmed.
 Dear Grandma,
I am writing to congratulate you on your excellent product Parasites & Worms. After being diagnosed with parasites 18 months ago by a naturopath, I have had continual treatment with 6 types of herbal products but my level of parasite infection was still 80%.
Within one week of starting treatment with Grandma’s Herbs Parasites & Worms my energy level had increased dramatically and the swelling/pain in my joints had disappeared. After 2 weeks of treatment dead tapeworms were visible in the toilet.
After 3 weeks treatment my level of parasite infection was NIL. One week later the reading is 5% so obviously there are still some eggs hatching but I am sure that another month's treatment will solve this problem.
I would recommend your product highly to anyone with parasite problems.
Thank you for your assistance.
-Randal D, California
 Dear Grandma’s Herbs
For years I thought I had scabies. I had been putting poison all over my body for years trying to get rid of the "bugs". Nothing seemed to work and my doctors thought I was crazy because they couldn’t find anything wrong. The longer I had this, the worse it seemed to get. I spent hours searching the internet and trying many different things. One of the sites I came across was After reading the information that they had, I figured I would try their products. The very first day that I started using Parasites and Worms I knew it was working. By the time the first week passed I could see the dead parasites in the toilet each time I went to the bathroom. I started feeling better and was less gassy after eating. I was not crazy, I really did have parasites. Thanks to the great products and the people at Grandma’s Herbs, I have gotten rid of my parasite problem. Thank you for everything.
-Mike R, Georgia.
 In my lifetime search to solve my constipation problem, I have tried everything. I DO mean everything! As a Grandmother and Great Grandmother, I mean a LONG time! The first thing that ever worked for me was frightfully expensive. I was forced to give it up.
A friend found Grandma's Herbs on the internet, asked for samples for me: Super-Lax and the Herbal Colon Cleanser & Tonic –I was "hooked"! (No not Habit-Forming, just positive results.)
These very helpful people who take your order are also very knowledgeable. I was told about the Parasite and Worm capsules. Another plus for Grandma’s! In the year I’ve been using Grandma's Herbs products I have very successfully used the Parasites and Worms four times!
"Grandma’s" I wrote a friend working on colon health, "Is 110% as good as the expensive product."
Thanks to my friend who introduced me to Grandma's Herbs; a million thanks to Grandma's Herbs.
-Ruth W.
Whats In The Product?
TANSY - used for expelling worms, tonic, stimulant
WORM WOOD - expels roundworms, aids in weak digestion, tonic, anthelmintic, nervine, counteracts the effects of poisonous plants, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bilious
BLACK WALNUT - rids the body of internal parasites, good for ringworm, herpes and impetigo, anthelmintic, destroys worms and parasites, alterative, anti-fungal, burns up excessive toxins and fatty material while it helps balance sugar levels, treats valley fever and candida albicans (yeast infections)
GARLIC - natural antibiotic which acts on bacteria, viruses, internal parasites and worms, improves circulation and stimulates immune system, in Russia it is called "Russian penicillin," antioxidant
POMEGRANATE - parts used are the rind, bark and root, specific remedy for tapeworm infestation
PUMPKIN SEEDS - very efficient in expelling both tape and round worms, rich source of zinc and magnesium
HYSSOP - anthelmintic, effective in ridding the body of worms, strengthens the immune system, tonic
BLUE VERVAIN - will often expel worms when nothing else works, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic
SENNA LEAF - a mild and effective laxative, excellent for expelling worms, works best when combined with other anthelmintic herbs, effectively cleans the elimination system, verminfuge
CHAPARRAL - blood cleanser, cleans the lower bowel, tones peristaltic muscles, tones up the system and rebuilds the tissue, works fast for difficult conditions, strong antioxidant and pain-killer
BAYBERRY BARK - stimulant, tonic, astringent, tones up digestion, loosens phlegm and helps dispel it from the body, helps stop internal hemorrhage, loosens obstructions in the intestinal tract